Opened the Doors

I call it the restaurant when, we actually operate as a function centre, catering for groups of people of 20 or more. This has meant mum still works and able to do it as a passion of love, not work. From the early days to even now it has been about family. We all have helped and worked together. Dads favourite part was mingling with the guests and explaining his creation, he also was chief Venison kebab cooker, he would also set up and help clean up, was always a part of every aspect of his creation. Mum prepped and cooked all meals, with her family as her off siders. She had and still have amazing local staff, that help her.

People use to tell dad that “no one would come to the middle of no where for a restaurant”, “it would never work”, “your crazy”. Lucky dad was a strong minded and willed person and never listened to negative thoughts. He has created a place where people near and far have travelled to see this astonishing place.

I remember our first wedding, the restaurant was only ¾ built, no bathroom, minimal kitchen, but already amazing atmosphere and structure. I have received photos from a beautiful friend, Nerolie and Justin. They were married and had their reception here, they loved it then, as has many other luck couple have now and will do.

We have had functions from then on for, birthdays, anniversary, Christmas party, reunions, staff party/events, school formals, or even just because functions. We can seat 90 people or do canapé for up to 140 guests. We as a family, still love to carry on dad’s dream. We love to see happiness come from a place that was built on heart ache. It brings us as much joy, as it does to the people enjoying the food, view, atmosphere, and friendship.

Allana Price